About Chartered
Accountancy Course:-
The CA course is designed to
combine theoretical knowledge, practical experience with analytical as well as
technical skill to look after the entire operations and management of the
modern business organization. The Chartered Accountancy course is considered to
be one of the most rigorous professional courses in India and Nepal. The craze
of CA course is increasing day by day.
Before Entering the
'Whatever you think, that you
will be. If you think yourself weak, the weaker you will be; if you think
yourself strong, the stronger you will be.' As per my experience, new
entrants should make sure that they are willing to do CA course as per their
wish not under any obligations. Always do those things what you really want to
do, which will provide you the greatest satisfaction along with will power and
enthusiasm. Regarding when to register? Students, who are sure to register
with CA course should register immediately after the completion of 12th exam
without waiting the result which will save your 6 months. Always remember that CA is not a difficult
course rather people make it difficult but be sure that it is not easy too. You
need to struggle far more than you did in +2.
This is the first step of CA. Here, questions are of subjective type.
During CPT, knowledge should be based on concept which is also most in other
levels too. If you do go with clear concept then you will not face any
difficulties in solving different question with same concept. Moreover, for
practice, ICAI provides 2 modules with different sets of question from which
you can take self-assessment test. As, Practice makes the man perfect, you
need to practice a lot being exam based but you should also consider about time
management. There are many students who are perfect in their concept but failed
to clear exams due to lack of time management.
This level is a bit vast then CPT as there is
no concept of subjective question and there are more papers than in CPT. We should
be mentally pre-planned in this stage regarding where to take classes? Individual classes or classes in bulk? First group or both group? Nowadays some institute of Nepal are also giving successful result which proves Nepali
institution are not less than Indian institutes but it is sure that few
teachers of India are more better than in Nepal. Student should also consider
about climate, friend circle to determine location whether they can adjust or
My Experience as Rank
holder in IPCC:-
Though I didn’t aimed to be rank holder in CPT,
I dreamed to be rank holder from the beginning of IPCC. I was in dilemma
whether to take individual classes or classes in package but finally decided to
take classes in package as I thought practice is the most and I need a time to have
practice a lot and now I am satisfied with my decision that I had taken. Taking
classes individually or in package has its one merit and demerits which should
be properly analyzed by students before taking decision. My desire to become Rank holder is so extreme
that sometime I couldn’t sleep in the night dreaming the same. From the
beginning I was too much sensitive about my career. I didn’t leave even single
classes, attended all tests in which I also became topper in some tests which
provided me positive fuel and the felling of 'Yes, I Can Do.' Many of my friends
also provide me fuel to gear up my enthusiasm saying 'You will be Rank holder.' But it was not that I didn’t do any fun and always studied. Yes, we did parties
occasionally, go to watch movies, had some funny moments and sometime I felt worried felling some difficulties in some
topics and subjects , but the only thing I didn’t left was my study, hope and
my dedication.
I used to become up-to-date with my classes,
prepare concept copy containing tricks,
steps, formulas, formats and logic, take the test seriously, manage the time for
all subjects, always did study with
planning, was stick to suggestion made by my teachers. The most perfect thing I
did is nice revision with proper planning and self-assessment tests for 2
months period after completion of classes. With proper revision finally I gave
my exam. After I had finished my exam, I feel satisfied
with most papers but dissatisfied with few which is also applicable in most of
the student’s case. From the beginning I
was too much focused on practical subjects and my favorite subjects was
Accounts. I had hoped 90+ marks in Adv account and Cost-FM. Except IT-SM &
Tax, I was satisfied with my exam. But the matter of sorrow is that I left 16
marks question in Account (Group-1) due to lack of time management. So, time
management is the most in exam. How much you know it doesn’t matter if you fail
to write in prescribed time.
4th February 4 2015, the day which I will be
missing lifetime, was the day when IPCC result was published. I was too much
serious that I could not even see my result myself. I said my friend to look my
result and he said- yes, passed in both group. And now, I took mobile from his hand and see my marks. Most of
the marks I had obtained were satisfactory. I expected around 500 but got 478 marks. With 478 marks, I didn’t check
my rank. I was too much happy with marks anyway. Meanwhile, someone called me
and he was my senior brother Purushotam, he said-congrats ! I replied–thanks bro. He said - when will be party
of Rank? I was shocked because I didn’t check my merit. I said- Rank? He
replied- yes ! You secure 47th Rank. Now, I cut off his phone and checked the
merit list quickly where I found myself as 47th Rank holder. I cried for a
while, jump in the bed, I was too much happy at that time that I can’t express
now in my word. I phoned him back first, gave thanks a lot and then called my
parents. Friends, teachers, updated my facebook status, it was too much happy
situation to have congratulations from many well wishers and respected
personalities. Now 'My next target in my career will be the most challenging
thing ever to achieve.'
As per my experience, all the practical training like ITT, OP, GMCS, Advanced ITT and Article ship Training should be properly
taken by students. Most of the friends don’t take it seriously but I am damn
sure that it provides lots of guidance in future and practical life. So, all
these training should be taken seriously. All these training are really
CA Final:-
Right now I am doing my article ship training.
I am sure that I will face difficulties in taking classes along with office.
But whatever I do I will always do with proper planning. I will follow all my
principles and activities that I did in my IPCC. Still, I am on my journey to
reach the Destination. I hope to achieve my next target soon.
[ About
Author:- He is a CA Final Student, 47th Rankholder in his IPCC
Level, passed CPT With 82%, College topper in +2 with 84% in Management Stream,
School Topper in SLC with 87%]