Aug 9, 2015-A 25-year-old investment analyst, based in London but who grew up in Nepal, has scored the highest in a global accountancy exam.
Srijana Bhandari Gautam, who currently works for M & G investments, an international Asset Management company, sat for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) exams in June. Last week she received a letter, which stated that she had passed the exams. She was happy. A few days later, she got even better news.
“I am delighted to inform you that you achieved the highest mark worldwide for P1, with a score of 89,” read the email by the ACCA.
As soon as she received the email, Gautam sent a screenshot to her husband. A few hours later, congratulations started pouring in. “It was a pleasant surprise. I didn’t think I would top it,” Gautam said from London.
Gautam studied at Narayanghat’s Sunrise English School and did her A Levels from Orchid College before moving to London where she graduated with a Mathematics and Accounting degree from the London Metropolitan University in 2013.
While it was difficult adjusting to a life so different from Nepal, Gautam says staying there motivated her. “It’s difficult but if you tell yourself you can do it, then things work. The key is to not let the motivation die out,” said Gautam, who worked full time while preparing for the exams.
Along with hard work, the most important factor for her has been family, particularly her husband who also works in Investment Management. Bishal Gautam says it was difficult for his wife to transition after moving to the United Kingdom, but they always had faith in her and she worked hard.
“I think Srijana has shown that with hard work and dedication one can achieve anything. We all are very proud of her,” said Gautam.- The Kathmandu Post